Math: fraction worksheets due Monday
Science: Test Tuesday; lessons 1-4
May 28, 2015
Math: textbook pg 343 #4,5,6,7,8; pg 345 #5,6,7,8,9 due tomorrow; key assessment on equivalent fractions
Yearbook orders due tomorrow $20.00
May 25, 2015
Math: Chapter 11 test tomorrow:
Math homework due Wednesday: textbook pg 333 #1-4; workbook pg 108-109
May 15, 2015
Math: worksheets #3, 4, 5; pg315#4,5,7 workbook pg 103
Language: Tuck chapters 19, 21 quetions
Spring Concert: May 21, 2015 James Culnan at 6 p.m. (wear green or white tops; dark bottoms)
May 13, 2015
Math: textbook pg 310 #1-4; workbook pg 100; draw and construct 1 pyramid and 1 prism net;
Media Literacy song analysis due Thursday May 21, 2015
Language: Chapter questions 17 and 18; read chapters 19 and 20 due tomorrow
May 12, 2015
Math: pg 305#3,4,5; workbook 99; draw a sketch of each net due tomorrow
Language: Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16 questions due tomorrow; read chapters 17 and 18 due tomorrow
May 11, 2015
Happy Belated Mother's Day
Math: workbook pg 98-99; textbook pg 303#3,4
Language: Chapter 12 questions; circle of life worksheet
May 7, 2015
Language: Read Chap10 and 11; comprehension questions chapt 8 and 9; journal due Monday; summary presentation next week.
Bake Sale tomorrow for ShareLife...bring baked goods and/or $$
May 6, 2015
Math: Chapter 9 test tomorrow
language: Tuck questions chapt 6 and 7; presentations next week follow rubric and success criteria
May 5, 2015
Math: Chapter Review #1-13 pg 266-267
Language: Chap 4 and 5 qeustions; read chapters 6 and 7
Bring in nut free baked goods for Sharelife Bake Sale on Friday
May 4, 2015
Math: pg 259 #5,6; workbook pg 84 and 85
Language: Tuck Chapter 2, 3 questions; read chapter 4 and 5; complete outstanding work from the weekend (Cutting Up Evidence)
May 1, 2015
Math: pg 257 #5-9; workbook pg 83
Language: Cutting up the Evidence Activity; comprehension questions chapt 1; Read Chapter 2 and 3
Language Power: 45-49
April 29, 2015
Language: Comparison organizor due tomorrow (play vs book);
Play review (good copy) due Friday May 1, 2015; remember to include a star rating, the graphic organizor, and an editted draft for extra marks
Math:pg 254#1-7; key assessment tomorrow on (pg 82 of workbook and pg 253 of textbook)
April 22, 2015
Math: workbook pg 80,81 textbook pg 249#4,5,6 pg 250 A,B
Language:list the names of two songs from your quote from the quote from Emiliy's Piano and in point form, explain why.
April 17, 2015
Math: Chapter 8 test on Monday
language: answer the following question in a paragraph using details from the text: In chapter 5, one of Emily's sisters says, "As though the piano was happiness in a box.." Please explain this quote using evidence from the text.
April 14, 2015
Math: textbook pg 235 #4, 236 A,B,C; pg 237 reflecting #1,2,3,4,5;pg 240#3,4 workbook pg 77
Language: Centenary project due tomorrow
Bake Sale Thursday
Vow of Silence thursday $0.25
Science test on Friday (Respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system)
April 8, 2015
Math: workbook pg 72,75,76; textbook pg 233#4; mid-chapter test on Monday April 13, 2015
Language: rough draft of centenary project; due Friday
Language Power pg 40,41,42,43 due April 13, 2015
April 7, 2015
Happy Easter!!
Math: pg 73, 74 (workbook); textbook pg 229#4a,b and 6a,b due tomorrow
Language Power: pg 40,41,42,43 due April 13, 2015
Language: Centenary Project draft due Friday April 10, 2015; final copy due April 14, 2015
March 30, 2015
Food Drive
Math: Chapter 7 test tomorrow
Language: Legend brainstorm
Science: projects and presentations due April 14, 2015
March 27, 2015
Happy Palm Sunday!
Food Drive
Math: pg 207 #3,4,5; pg 209#4 pg 215 #1-7 workbook pg 68, 69#1a,b
Language: choose a legendary person to research
Science projects: due Tuesday April 14, 2015
March 25, 2015
Book Fair
Food Drive
Math: Midchapter review correct #3, 4; skills bank #5 correct; pg 205#4,5,6
Science: projects and presentations due April 14, 2015
March 24, 2015
Book Fair
Language: answer comprehension questions from the Legend of the Fog
Math: mid-chapter review pg 201 #1-4; skills bank pg 210 #1, 3, 4, 5 (textbook)
Science: projects and presentations due Tuesday April 14, 2015
March 23, 2015
Math: pg 196 #3, 4,5,7 pg 200 #3,4,5; workbook pg 64,65
Language: Venn diagram of similarities and differences of myths and legends
March 12, 2015
Math: pg 63 (workbook); textbook pg 193 #2,3,4; key assessment tomorrow on measuring an anle, labelling it as obtuse, acute or right. and constructing an angle
Language: Characteristics of Legends worksheet due tomorrow
$2.00 dress down day tomorrow in support of a water bottle refilling station at St. Cecilia
March 11, 2015
Math: workbook pg 62; textbook pg 191 #4,5,6,7 due tomorrow
Media Litercy: Cereal box assignment due Friday
March 3, 3015
Math: pg 178 A-D, reflecting 1a-c due tomorrow; Chapter Review pg 184-185 #1-11 due Thursday; Chapter 6 test Monday;
Key assessment due tomorrow: 2893m of wire fencing was used to fence a square. The side lengths of the square are whole numbers. There is less than 2m left over. How long are the sides of the fence? (use Alain's method pg 174)
Language: characteristic worksheet; personification worksheet due tomorrow.
Media Literacy: Cereal Box steps 2-3 due Thursday
March 2, 2015
Language: Myth characteristics due tomorrow
Science: food group poster due tomorrow (include prices)
February 27, 2015
Science: food group poster (with prices) due Tuesday
Math: answer: 2425m of wire fencing was used to fence a square field. The side lengths of the square are whole numbers. There is less than 1m left. What is the length of each side? Use Alains method (base ten blocks).
Language: Formal letter due Monday
February 26, 2015
Math: workbook pg 58; textbook pg 173#6;pg176#3,4; key assessment on one digit division (ex. pg 56 of workbook)
Language: draft of letter due Monday
February 25, 2015
Math: workbook pg 57 (round to nearest 100)
Media project (cereal box) part 1 due tomorrow
Dress warm tomorrow for Carnaval!!!!
February 24, 2015
Media Project first step due Thursday
February 23, 2015
Math: textbook pg 171 A-G and #1,2,3
Language: project due Tomorrow
Media project (first step due Thursday)
February 18, 2015
Language Project: postponed to Tuesday
Skating Trip Friday afternoon
February 12, 2015
Math: textbook pg 170 mid chapter review due Wednesday
Language project due Thursday
February 11, 2015
Math: workbook pg 54, 55; textbook pg 163#4, pg 165#4, 5, 7
Key assessment tomorrow: tree diagrams, mutliplying by tens
Language project due Thursday
February 9, 2015
Math: pg 158, 159 #3a, 4, 5, 7 pg 161#4,6
Language Power pg 36-39 due Wednesday
Media billboard due Wednesday
Language: project..generate ideas
February 6, 2015
Math: workbook pg 51, 52
Media: billboard report due Monday
Science: worksheet dur Monday
Language: Newspaper due Monday (Charlie's disappearance, search and rescue)
February 5, 2015
Language Power: ogs 36-39 due Wed Feb 11, 2015
Language: Newspaper article about Charlie's disappearance, search and rescue due Monday
Media: Billboard picture and comparison report due Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Skating in the morning-Dress apporpriately
February 4, 2015
math: workbook pg 43
Chapter 5 test tomorrow
Language: Newspaper article due Monday
Language Power: pg 36, 37, 38, 39 due Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015
Social Media meeting tonight at 7 p.m. for parents
February 3, 2015
Math: key assessment tomorrow on calculating time (with seconds); Chapter 5 test on Thursday
Language: Newspaper article due Monday (good copy)
January 29, 2015
Math: worksheet on calculation of time lapses
Janaury 27, 2015
Math: worksheet due tomorrow
Language: News paper article Pandemic Increased - elements due Thursday
January 26, 2015
Math: workbook pg 46 (try 47)
textbook pg 143 #4,5,6,7
conversion worksheet due Wednesday
Language: dialogue due Wednesday
January 22, 2015
Math: mid-chapter test (5) Monday; homework: textbbok: pg 140 #7,8,9,10,11 due Monday
Language: writing a dialogue with a partner (work period on Monday) due Wednesday
Media due Monday
Summer of Swans question#4-7 Tuesday
January 21, 2015
Math: textbook pg 136#1,2,4,5
Media: Billboard worksheet due Monday
Language: Summer of Swans questions 1-3 (Chapters 15-23) due Thursday; remaining questions due Monday
Language Power: pgs 30 &31 due Monday
January 20, 2015
Math: workbook pg 44 & 45; key assessment tomorrow on calculating perimeter
Summer of Swans questions 1-3 (Chapters 15-23) due Thursday; remaining questions due Monday
Language Power: pgs 30 &31 due Monday
January 16, 2015
Math: worksheet due Monday; workbook pg 41 due Monday
Language Power test Monday (unit 2) pgs 12-26
Language: Summer of Swans questions #1-3 due Tuesday
January 15, 2015
Math; worksheet due Monday (1,2,3a-b)
workbook pg 41
Language: novel studies questions #1-3 due Tuesday; 4-8 due Friday
Language Power test Monday
January 14, 2015
Math: parents sign math chapter 4 tests
Language Power: Unit 2 test Monday
Language: Summer of Swans Chapters 8-14 and all questions due tomorrow
January 9, 2015
Math: Chapter 4 Test on Monday
Language Power: pg 23 due Monday
Language Power pg 24-26 due Wednesday
Language: Summer of Swans Chapters 8-14 and all questions due Wednesday (new date)
January 8, 2015
Math: Chapter 4 Review; pgs 122-123 #1-13 due tomorrow; Chapter Test Monday
Language Power: pg 23-26 due Monday
Language: Summer of Swans Chapters 8-14 and all questions due Wednesday (new date)
Media Literacy: due Thursday Jan 15, 2015
January 7, 2015
Math: workbook pg 39; textbook pg 113#4,5; pg 116 #5,6,7,8
Language: Summer of Swans: read chapters 8 and 9; answer questions 1,2,3 due Monday
January 6, 2015 (Epiphany)
Math: pg 38 workbook; key assessment on adding money and creating change
Language Power: pg 23-26 due Monday
Language: Summer of Swans due Wednesday
January 5, 2015
Happy New Year!
Welcome Back!
Language Power pg 21-22 due tomorrow
Math: workbook pg 37 due tomorrow
Language: Summer of Swans Chapters 1-7 due Wednesday
December 15, 2014
subtraction worksheet
adding and estimating worksheet
December 11, 2014
Math: workbook pg 35-36; key assessment tomorrow adding decimals
Language: Read Summer of Swans chapters 1 to 7 due tomorrow
bring $3.00 for movie for Me To We fundraiser in the morning
bring in Christmas Angel
December 10, 2014
Math: pg 107 #2,3 pg 109#4 (textbook)
Language: vocabulary sheet and biography worksheet
Bring in $3.00 for movie for Me To We fundraiser
Christmas Angel
Mass tomorrow morning
December 9, 2014
Christmas Angel due!
December 8, 2014
Math: mid-chapter test tomorrow
December 4, 2014
PA Day Tomorrow!!!!!
math: pg 104 #1-7 (textbook)
language: worksheet on Betsy Buyers and vocabulary words (both sides) due Monday
December 3, 2014
Math: textbook pg 102, pg 103 #5,6,8 due tomorrow; workbsheet due Monday
Langauge: oral presentation reflection worksheet due tomorrow
sign media test
December 1, 2014
Media: Definition Test postponed to tomorrow
November 28, 2014
Media Literacy: Malala book due Monday
Math: pg 141 #1-4 do you remember
November 26, 2014
Math: pg 101 #4-7
Language Oral presentation due Friday
Language Power pg 17-20
Media Literacy: Malala book due Dec 1
November 25, 2014
Math: pg 101# 4, 5,6,7
Language: Power pg 16-20
Language: Oral presentation due FRIDAY
November 24, 2014
Math workbook pg 33; key assessment on mental math add and subtraction
Language Power 16-20 due Wednesday
Language: oral presentation due Thursday
Media Literacy: Malala book due Dec 1
November 21, 2014
Media Literacy: Malala book
Language Power: pg 16-20 due Tuesday
Language Presentation: Thursday
Math: practice worksheet due Monday
November 20, 2014
Math: textbook pg 99A-E; #3, 5
language: presentation due Thursday Nov 27, 2014
Language Power: pg 16-20 due Tuesday
Wear Pink Tomorrow
Pizza day tomorrow
November 18, 2014
Math: workbook pg 31
Language Power: pg 15 due tomorrow
Language: #3 (rewrite pg 54 in a different narration-first person
November 17, 2014
Math: pg 95 A, B, E; do you remember 1-4
Language: #3 (rewrite pg 54 in a different narration-first person)
November 11, 2014
Math: Division worksheet due tomorrow
Language Power pg 12, 13, 14 due tomorrow
Language: picture of scene due tomorrow; page 1 of worksheet due tomorrow (story map and vocabulary words only)
November 10, 2014
Take the survey at for a chance for St. Cecilia to win $500.00
Mass tomorrow at 9 am
Math: worksheet due Wednesday; Chapter Test Tomorrow
Language: questions from story pg 52-59.
November 7, 2014
Math: pg 88-89 #1-5 due Monday; Chapter 3 test Wednesday
Language Power: pg11-13 due Wednseday
Language: Read pgs 52-59 from Literacy in Action textbook due Monday
November 6, 2014
Interview forms due
Hearing forms due
Language: questions on Wings story #1, 5, 6,7 due tomorrow.
November 4, 2014
Language: Wings Story map due tomorrow
Math: workbook pg 27 due tomorrow
November 3, 3014
Picture Day - November 5, 2014
Math: workbook pg 25, 27; textbook pg 74 A, B; pg 75 C, D, E, #4; pg 76 #5, 6
Language Power unit 1 test tomorrow
Language: Wings Story Map due Wednesday
October 31, 2014
Photo Day: November 5, 2014 (Wednesday)
language Power Test Tuesday (unit 1)
October 27, 2017
Language: Read handout on first and third person and highlight important information due Thursday
Language Power: pgs 8-11 due tomorrow
Math: textbook pg 73#1-4 due tomorrow
October 24, 2014
Picture Day Nov 5, 2014
Language Power pgs 8-11 due Tuesday (October 29)
October 23, 2014
Math: key assessment on creating a line graph; workbook pgs 22, 23, 24 textbook: pg 67A-F; pg 69#3, pg 72#4 (due tomorrow)
Language: poem on tickets from Literacy In Action worksheet due tomorrow
Language Power pgs 8-11 due Tuesday (October 29)
October 22, 2014
Mass tomorrow in the PM
Math: key assessment on creating a line graph; workbook pgs 22, 23, 24 textbook: pg 67A-F; pg 69#3, pg 72#4 (all due Friday)
Language: poem on tickets from Literacy In Action worksheet due tomorrow
Language Power pgs 8-11 due Tuesday (October 29)
October 21, 2014
Music: BRING IN RECORDERS for tomorrow
Language: Good copy of Review from peer editing feedback due tomorrow
October 20, 2014
Music: Bring in RECORDERS for Wednesday
math: textbook pg 2A, B; pg 65#1a,b,c(yellow) pg 66#2; workbook pg 21
Language: Rough draft of game review (title of game, Game Review, rating out of 5, rating (ex E for Everyone), author, summary/objective of game, opinion (3 positives and 1 negative explaining the reason why, witty conclusion)
worksheets on homonyms due tomorrow
October 17, 2014
Math: workbook pg 20; sign math tests
Language power due Tuesday pgs 5-7
Media Literacy: analyse magazine ad for Monday
October 16, 2014
Math: pg 61 #1-3 (textbook)
Media Literacy: analyse of ad. due Monday
Language Power: pgs 5-7 due Tuesday
October 15, 2014
Math: Chapter 2 test tomorrow
Language Power pgs 5-7 due Monday
October 10, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Cross Country Meet Tuesday..bring lots of water; dress "for the weather"
Language Power:pgs 1-4 due Tuesday
Media Literacy advertisement analysis due Tuesday
Math: chapter Review pg 56 #1-7 due Tuesday; pg 57 #8-17 due Wednesday; Chapter 2 test Thursday
October 9, 2014
Math: workbook pg 17, 18; textbook: pg 49#3,4 pg #513, 5,6
Science quiz tomorrow
Language Power: pgs 1-4 due Tuesday
Media Literacy: bring in advertisement; brochure tomorrow
October 8, 2014
Language Power - pgs 1-4 due Tuesday
Math: key assessment tomorrow ; write decimal and colour grid
workbook pg 16; textbook pg 43 #4,5 pg 47 #5, 6
October 6, 2014
Math: mid-chapter test tomorrow; pg 14-15 of workbook due Wednesday
Language: orienteering project
October 3, 2014
Math: Mid-chapter test on Tuesday; we will take up mid-chapter review questions on Monday
Language: Orienteering project
October 1, 2014
math: textbook : pg 36 A-F; pg 37 #3, 4,5,6a; pg 41 #1-8 due Friday; mid chapter test Monday
Language: work on orienteering project
September 30, 2014
Language: brainstorm orienteering course for your group project
September 29, 2014
Math: key assessment tomorrow (expanded form, standard form, place value chart, words)-chapter 2
workbook pg 10, 11 textbook pg 35 #3, 4, 6, 8
Language: worksheet on Are We There Yet? (Literacy in Action book pgs 23-35
September 26, 2014
Math: workbook pg 9 due Monday; return signed chapter 1 test
Media Literacy: questions about a website due Thursday
CSAC Activity Fee
QSP magazine Fundraiser
September 25 2015
Math: sign math test; textbook pg 25 #1-4 (do you remember)
Language: read pg 18-22 of Literacy in Action answer question #1 in point form.
Pizza form and money
Activity Fee
September 23, 2014
Math: Chapter 1 test tomorrow
multiplication skills worksheet due Friday
Langauge: Comparison paragraph
Terry Fox School Run day tomorro $2.00 donation; civies day
Pizza form and money due Friday
CSAC Activity Fee due ASAP
September 22, 2014
Math: Chapter 1 Test Wednesday
Language: Literacy in Action pg 14-15; list using a T chart; how team sports are like other games and how they are different. (due tomorrow)
September 19, 2014
Math: pg 21#7-9 due Monday; Chapter Test Wednesday
Langauge: read pg 12-13 and answer 2 questions using paragraphs; What is the author trying to convince you about?; What is your opinion?
Bring in completed pizza forms and money; bring in activity fee
September 18, 2014
Math: textbook pg 20-21#3-6 (tomorrow); #3-7-9 (Monday); Chapter 1 test Wednesday
Language: read pg 12-13 and answer 2 questions using paragraphs; What is the author trying to convince you about?; What is your opinion?
September 17, 2014
Math: workbook pg 4, 6,7 textbook pg 20 #1,2
Language: answer two questions on pg 7 of Literacy In Action Textbook
Curriculum Night tonight
September 16, 2014
Math: Mid-chapter test (text pg 1-10)
sign key assessments (math)
Language: rewrite paragraph about games based on feedback/exercises from class (to be graded)
September 15, 2014
Math: Mid-Chapter test Wednesday; pg 12 A-F
Language: paragraph worksheets
Music: money forms for new recorders
September 12, 2014
Math: pg 10#1-5
Key assessment Monday (pairing patterns)
Language: In one detailed paragraph, answer: "What can we learn from playing games?"
Sign "Test Folder"
September 11, 2014
Math: workbook pg #3 Textbook pg 9 #4, 5; key assessment on extending patterns tomorrow
September 10, 2014
Science: see our science section (click on science tab) to view some of our structures
Math:textbook pg 6 A-D pg 7 #4,5 workbook pg 2 key assessment Friday
Language:title page; colour and decorate
September 9, 2014
Bike Rodeo tomorrow: BRING HELMET AND BICYCLES (AM)!!
Language: self assessment worksheet about Life Maps
Math: textbook pg 5: A-D
September 8, 2014
Math: workbook pg 2, textbook pg 2 A, B, C, pg 3, D, E
Music: form and money (if you are purchasing a recorder)
Bike Rodeo (in the morning only) on Wednesday: bring a helmet and bike
September 4, 2014
Math review worksheet (problem solving) due tomorrow
Language: Life Map- presentations begin Monday
Tomorrow 8:30 am 100 anniversary picture; mass at 10:00 am
September 3, 2014
Welcome Back:
Math: worksheets due Friday
Language: Life Map Draft due tomorrow (will have time to work on in class tomorrow) (Assignment Information under Language Tab)